Who We Are

Faith Lutheran is a gathering of diverse individuals who believe that loving God, loving each other, and loving our neighbors is the essence of being the church.

We love God when we believe in Jesus Christ, who was crucified and has risen from the dead, for forgiveness and life-transforming empowerment by God’s Spirit.

We love each other when we support our sisters and brothers in Christ in our faith and our material needs as we are able.

We love our neighbor when we identify with our fellow human beings in every suffering and difficulty and we share in that suffering with empathy and God’s message of hope, without judgment or condemnation.

Our pastor is the Rev. Dr. James Waddell. He has lived in the Midwest all his life (Missouri, Nebraska, and Michigan). Pastor James has served in pastoral ministry since 1991 and has been Faith’s pastor since 2012. He earned his Ph.D. in Second Temple Judaism at the University of Michigan and has taught in public and private higher education since 2000.