- We are a Confessional Lutheran Church
- We belong to the Lutheran Church Missouri Synod
- We Believe:
- In the three Ecumenical Creeds
- All that is written in the Book of Concord
- In the Trinity
- God, the Father
- God, the Son
- God, the Holy Spirit
- That the Bible is the real word of God and it reveals His plan of salvation
- That God loves us and wants all to be saved and come to a knowledge of the truth
- That all people are by nature sinful and are therefore condemned for eternity.
- That we can do nothing to save ourselves from this condemnation.
- That God, in His mercy, sent His only Son, Jesus Christ, into the world to save all people.
- That Jesus Christ laid down His life on the cross as the perfect sacrifice to take away the guilt of our sins.
- That God raised Jesus Christ from the grave, and defeated sin, death, and the devil.
- That those who trust Jesus Christ as their Savior have forgiveness and eternal life.
- That God gives us the forgiveness of sins and the promise of eternal life through His Word and the Sacraments of Holy Baptism and the Lord’s Supper.